Water and gruel – not bread: the diet of early Neolithic farmers at Frydenlund, Fuenen, in Scandinavia; the study in Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
In Moravia, ravens were attracted to humans’ food more than 30,000 years ago, according to a new study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution
In an area plagued by periods of drought, it is difficult to understand how the great ancient city of Great Zimbabwe thrived for centuries, but the answer to that has now been found
Upcycling from the past: the Viking Age beadmakers in the trading town of Ribe were more advanced than previously believed
Climate-driven changes to food availability were a factor behind dramatic historical events that led the oasis city of Palmyra in Syria to its ultimate demise
New Mexico mammoths among best evidence for early humans in North America; a new study was published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
A team of researchers from the University of Utah investigated how climate change and population pressure influenced rates of homicide and warfare in the Nasca Highlands of ancient Peru
For the first time, it was possible to map the trade networks for metals and to identify changes in the supply routes, coinciding with other socio-economic changes detectable in the rich metal-dependent societies of Bronze Age southern Scandinavia
A genomic analysis in samples of Neanderthals and modern humans shows a decrease in ADHD-associated genetic variants