Researchers have linked the travels of a 14,000-year-old woolly mammoth with the oldest known human settlements in Alaska
Researchers have discovered the earliest-known evidence of freshwater fishing by ancient people of the Americas in Interior Alaska
Searching for ancient bears in an Alaskan cave led to an important human discovery: Tatóok yík yées sháawat (Young lady in cave), living 3,000 years ago is in fact closest related to present-day Tlingit
A new grammatical database, Grambank, documents the reveals accelerating loss of language diversity, in a study published in Science Advances
A reconstruction of the prehistoric temperatures for some of the oldest archaeological sites in the Alaskan Tanana Valley, North America
Researchers home in on Thera volcano eruption date, as they find that the eruption in 1628 B.C. was due to the Alaskan volcano Aniakchak II
A study, published on PLoS One, challenges theories of earlier human arrival in Americas and develops a Apparent Stratigraphic Integrity Index
A widely accepted theory of Native American origins coming from Japan has been attacked in a new scientific study, which shows that the genetics and skeletal biology “simply does not match-up”.