P.Cotton is a Greek papyrus detailing a gripping case involving forgery, tax evasion, and the fraudulent sale and manumission of slaves in the Roman provinces of Iudaea and Arabia
The ‘urban revolution’ was slow in Bronze Age Arabia: the site of al-Natah, occupied 2400-1500BCE, was an early transitional stage between pastoralism and complex urban settlements
People living in ancient Eastern Arabia appear to have developed resistance to malaria following the appearance of agriculture in the region around five thousand years ago
The discovery of immense fortifications dating back 4,000 years at the Khaybar Oasis, in north-western Arabia
Uncovering the ritual past of a mustatil, an ancient stone monument in Saudi Arabia; the study has been published in PLoS ONE
Excavations in Oman bring new understanding to mobile life during the Wādī Sūq period: a large aridification event made life difficult
Historic graffiti of ships carved in an African fort were drawn by soldiers on guard duty watching the sea, University of Exeter experts believe.
The recovery of distinctive fluted points from both America and Arabia provides one of the best examples of ‘independent invention’
Seafood might have helped those prehistoric pioneers, as they could have relied on shellfish to sustain them as they followed migratory routes out of Africa during times of drought