The Khar Nuur burial, an elite grave of the pre-Mongol period has been uncovered in Mongolia; a new study in the journal Archaeological Research in Asia
Markings on a stone pillar at Göbekli Tepe, a 12,000 year-old archaeological site in Turkey likely represent the world’s oldest solar calendar
New geological datings place the first European hominids at Orce, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, 1.3 million years ago
A study reveals the continuous evolutionary history of rice from wild to domesticated over an astonishing span of 100,000 years, confirming that China is the birthplace of rice (Oryza sativa)
Chickens were widely raised across southern Central Asia from 400 BCE through medieval periods and likely dispersed along the ancient Silk Road
The reason for the proximity between Paleolithic extensive stone quarries and water sources: Elephant hunting by early humans
Far more female infants than male infants died in Europe from 1700–1950. Researchers have been investigating why
Prehistoric mobility among Tibetan farmers, herders shaped highland settlement patterns, cultural interaction
Homo sapiens already reached northwest Europe more than 45,000 years ago and lived alongside Neanderthals, according to three new studies
The abundance of European insect invaders may be a result of deliberate introductions of non-native plants into Europe’s colonies