Plant seed and fruit analysis from Tell es-Safi/Gath, the biblical home of Goliath, sheds unprecedented light on Philistine ritual practices
Measuring the magnetic field recorded in burnt bricks corroborates the conquest of the Philistine city of Gath by King Hazael of Aram-Damascus, as recorded by the Book of Kings 2
Radiocarbon dating meets Egyptology and Biblical accounts in the city of Gezer: new dates allow testing of proposed correlations between texts and archaeological remains
Archaeologists at Hyrcania in the Judean Desert, unearthed a rare Byzantine Greek inscription paraphrasing a verse from Psalm 86
Geomagnetic fields recorded in archaeological sites are helping to verify the Biblical accounts of military campaigns against the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
Findings from Biblical times in Israel’s Timna Valley: 3,000 years ago, human activity destroyed vegetation and irreparably damaged the local environment
What kind of beer did the Pharaohs drink? The pottery used to produce beer in antiquity served as the basis for this new research
The biblical King Balak may have been a historical figure, according to a new reading of the Mesha Stele (second half of the 9th century BCE)