Ancient engravings shed light on early human symbolic thought and complexity in the Levantine Middle Palaeolithic
P.Cotton is a Greek papyrus detailing a gripping case involving forgery, tax evasion, and the fraudulent sale and manumission of slaves in the Roman provinces of Iudaea and Arabia
New insights from a late Roman inscription, a rare Tetrarchic boundary stone at the site of Abel Beth Maacah
Breathing life into ancient texts: unveiling Greco-Roman medicine through modern reenactments; a study published in PNAS
Early Hominin toolmaking at the Melka Wakena site, in Ethiopia, sheds light on Engineering ingenuity; a study published in PLoS ONE
New computational method uncovers surprising variability in Neolithic building practices, according to a new study in Archaeological Research in Asia
12,000-year old stones from the Nahal-Ein Gev II dig site in northern Israel may be spindle whorls, a very early evidence of wheel-like technology
Soii Havzak, a multi-layered archaeological site in the Zeravshan Valley, central Tajikistan, shedding rare light on early human settlement in the region
The Khar Nuur burial, an elite grave of the pre-Mongol period has been uncovered in Mongolia; a new study in the journal Archaeological Research in Asia
Hazor, one of the largest “megacities” of the Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean was abandoned: its resettlement occured in the Iron Age