Iberian Neolithic societies had a deep knowledge of archery techniques and materials, according to a new study in Scientific Reports
The Neanderthals at Prado Vargas, in the Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, were the first fossil collectors, as they picked Cretaceous marine fossils 46,000 years ago
Archaeological work carried out by the UGR reveals the Roman forum of Ocuri in Ubrique, it involved researchers, students and volunteers
Twice as many women as men were buried in the megalithic necropolis of Panoría according to a multidisciplinary study
The theory of a violent invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in Late Prehistory, some 4,200 years ago, is now being questioned
The latest findings to shed light on the Neanderthals at Prado Vargas: over two thousand remains of animals and stone tools
An archaeogenetic study, published in Science Advances, sheds new light on the isolated medieval community Las Gobas in northern Spain
New geological datings place the first European hominids at Orce, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, 1.3 million years ago
First case of Down syndrome in Neandertals documented in new study: research reveals that Neandertals showed care and support for the child
84 teeth have been analyzed to show the dietary practices of the agropastoral communities of the northeast Iberian Peninsula