P.Cotton is a Greek papyrus detailing a gripping case involving forgery, tax evasion, and the fraudulent sale and manumission of slaves in the Roman provinces of Iudaea and Arabia
New insights from a late Roman inscription, a rare Tetrarchic boundary stone at the site of Abel Beth Maacah
The ancient copper industry in King Solomon’s mines, located in the Timna Valley, did not pollute the environment
Earliest deep-cave ritual compound in Southwest Asia discovered: evidence for a ritual gathering at the Manot Cave, in Galilee, 35,000 years ago
12,000-year old stones from the Nahal-Ein Gev II dig site in northern Israel may be spindle whorls, a very early evidence of wheel-like technology
A new method using ArchCUT3-D software for rock engraving analysis: computational answers to riddles on stone
Fungi and lichens pose deadly threat to 5,000-year-old rock art in the Negev desert; those famous petroglyphs are at risk of destruction
400,000-year-old stone tools designed specifically for butchering fallow deer, following the disappearance of elephants
Scientists show how the ancient village of Habonim North adapted to drought, rising seas: underwater excavation reveals human resilience through Neolithic-period climate change
Hazor, one of the largest “megacities” of the Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean was abandoned: its resettlement occured in the Iron Age