P.Cotton is a Greek papyrus detailing a gripping case involving forgery, tax evasion, and the fraudulent sale and manumission of slaves in the Roman provinces of Iudaea and Arabia
14,500 to 10,500 years ago, prehistoric peoples harvesting vegetation from the Shubayqa wetlands of eastern Jordan created a habitat for birds
Paleolithic humans may have understood the properties of rocks for making stone tools, as they preferred middle-grained flint over fine-grained flint
Cranial traumas show dramatic increase as the first cities were being built: in the 12,000 years before antiquity, the share of violent death rose at first and then fell back
Necklace from child’s grave reveals complex ancient culture at the Neolithic village of Ba’ja in Jordan; the study is published in PLoS ONE
Early humans in the Hula Valley invested in systematic procurement of raw materials hundreds of thousands of years ago
Oldest architectural plans detail desert kites, prehistoric mega structures; the study has been published in PLoS ONE
A new study reveals the features of the population that was buried in the necropolis of Tell es-Sin in Syria, a Byzantine archaeological site
The biblical King Balak may have been a historical figure, according to a new reading of the Mesha Stele (second half of the 9th century BCE)
New analysis illuminates how much archaeological knowledge production has fundamentally relied upon site workers’ active choices in responding to labor conditions