During the Late Neolithic, in the Fertile Crescent, a complex culinary tradition that included the baking of large loaves of bread and focaccia was developed
Archaeologists from Newcastle University have unearthed evidence for an evolving sacred landscape spanning centuries in Crowland, Lincolnshire.
Climate change likely impacted human populations in the Neolithic and Bronze Age; harsher European climates were associated with decreased populations and increased social inequality
Researchers identify the oldest pieces of Baltic amber found on the Iberian Peninsula: imports began over 5,000 years ago Baltic amber is a…
4,000-year-old plague DNA found: the oldest cases to date in Britain; the paper is published in Nature Communications
Uncovering the ritual past of a mustatil, an ancient stone monument in Saudi Arabia; the study has been published in PLoS ONE
The world’s first horse riders: researchers discovered evidence by studying the remains of human skeletons found in burial mounds called kurgans
A new study suggests that 6000-years-ago people across Europe shared a cultural tradition of using freshwater mussel shells to craft ornaments
Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of the earliest large-scale celebrations in Britain – with people and animals travelling hundreds of miles for prehistoric feasting rituals.