Norwegian Christmas traditions: a rich cultural heritage shaped by food, drink and nature, a study in culture and science
Iberian Neolithic societies had a deep knowledge of archery techniques and materials, according to a new study in Scientific Reports
The first direct proof of the consumption and processing of dairy products in the Pyrenees already at the start of the Neolithic period, approximately 7,500 years ago
New discoveries found in Iraqi Kurdistan key to the emergence of agriculture and first city-states: the UAB archaeological project
How Chinese migrants in Los Angeles Chinatown gained self-reliance: a new study shows these early migrants overcame economic barriers by raising pigs
First high mountain settlers, in the Huescan Pyrenees, at the start of the Neolithic already engaged in other livestock activities apart from transhumance
Blood, sacrifice and drunkenness: how Christmas was celebrated in the Viking Age, with the transition to the Christian era, the celebration took on a new meaning
Detailed analysis reveals rituals of mass sacrifice of horses and other animals at Casas del Turuñuelo, in Iron Age Spain
A Bronze Age well at Petsas House contents reveal the history of animal resources (dogs, cattle, goats, sheep) in Mycenae, Greece
The study shows for the first time that Vikings brought animals, specifically horses and dogs, to Britain in the 9th century