Researchers excavate earliest ancient Maya salt works at Jay-yi Nah, which turned out to be much older than the other underwater sites
Drone-based lidar in Central Asia allowed archaeologists to capture details of Tashbulak and Tugunbulak, two trade cities along the Silk Road, high in the mountains of Uzbekistan
Medieval walrus ivory points to early interactions between Vikings and Indigenous North Americans in the Arctic Ocean
New findings from Interamna Lirenas, traditionally written off as a failed backwater in Central Italy, change our understanding of Roman history, its excavators believe
An interdisciplinary project led by primatologist Gisela Kopp is using genetic analysis to determine the geographic origin of mummified baboons found in ancient Egypt
The analysis of silver bracelets found in the tomb of queen Hetepheres I reveals ancient trade networks involving Greece and Lebanon
Research at the University of Gothenburg has shown that the Skaftö wreck had probably taken on cargo in Gdańsk in Poland and was heading towards Belgium
Archaeologists found the two beehive-shaped tombs in Pylos, Greece, while investigating the area around the grave of the “Griffin Warrior”