Archaeological remains at Swan Point and Hollembaek Hill, Alaska, show that people and the ancestors of today’s dogs began forming close relationships as early as 12,000 years ago
A new way of looking at tooth enamel could give scientists a path to deeper understanding of the health of human populations, from the ancient to the modern
Researchers have linked the travels of a 14,000-year-old woolly mammoth with the oldest known human settlements in Alaska
Researchers have discovered the earliest-known evidence of freshwater fishing by ancient people of the Americas in Interior Alaska
A reconstruction of the prehistoric temperatures for some of the oldest archaeological sites in the Alaskan Tanana Valley, North America
It sounds a little like Stone Age standup: A Denisovan and a human walk past a bees’ nest heavy with honeycomb. What happens next? Study offers new insight on what ancient noses smelled
A study, published on PLoS One, challenges theories of earlier human arrival in Americas and develops a Apparent Stratigraphic Integrity Index