Family trees from the European Neolithic: scientists gain insights into the social behaviour of a Neolithic community
Earliest evidence of forest management discovered at the La Draga Neolithic site; the study was published in the International Journal of Wood Culture
Early City Planning in the Kingdom of Judah Sheds New Light on Urbanization Process and Borders in the time of David and Rehoboam
Was warfare responsible for the fall of small-scale societies in Prehistoric Europe? The study has been published in Scientific Reports
Genomics and archaeology rewrite the Neolithic Revolution in the Maghreb, according to a new study published in Nature
Early crop plants were more plastic and easily ‘tamed’: new perspectives on plant domestication are shown in a study published in PLoS ONE
Early European farmers borrowed genes from hunter-gatherers to survive disease, according to a new study in Current Biology
Large-scale genomic analysis documents the migrations of Ice Age hunter-gatherers over a period of 30,000 years
Agriculture linked to changes in age-independent mortality in North America New study is first to tie patterns of age-independent human mortality to food…
Climate change may have impacted the rise and fall of Middle Eastern civilisations, according to an international study