The Arden Encyclopedia of Shakespeare’s Language: a new ‘verbal treasure trove’ dictionary captures nuances and uses of Shakespeare’s words
The Johanna Spyri and Heidi archives in Zurich have been added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World International Register
Emma Smith will give a talk in her hometown of Leeds as the University displays its own copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio and its journeys
New behavior seen in whales may be recorded in ancient manuscripts, which name the creature hafgufa and aspidochelone
She wants to know how we talk about dying: Anna Elsner studies how literature addresses and shapes the role of dying in society
This article describes the Knihově portal, which represents an essential infrastructure for researching Czech book history until 1800.
A unique collection of rare and valuable items relating to the former poet laureate Ted Hughes has been acquired by the University of Huddersfield
A new book by Jami Rogers centres the contribution of British Black and Asian actors to Shakespeare in the theatre
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to prepare a guide for studying literature about violence against women, published by Ca’ Foscari
Beautiful World, Where are you?, the last novel by Sally Rooney, has been defined as her highest and most mature literary achievement