Caucasus-Lower Volga (CLV): an Eneolithic population dated 4.500-3.500 BCE and a missing link in Indo-European languages’ history found, according to a study published in Nature
Ancient artifacts unearthed in Iraq shed light on hidden History of Mesopotamia: results of the fieldwork summary of the 2024 season at Kurd Qaburstan
Butchered bones from the Early Bronze Age site of Charterhouse Warren suggest violent ‘othering’ of enemies in Bronze Age Britain
Oldest known alphabet unearthed at Tell Umm-el Marra, once an ancient Syrian city: the writing is dated to around 2400 BCE, Early Bronze Age
An extensive, freely accessible database featuring 483 known Middle and Late Bronze Age settlement sites of the Luwian region, in the west of Turkey
The ‘urban revolution’ was slow in Bronze Age Arabia: the site of al-Natah, occupied 2400-1500BCE, was an early transitional stage between pastoralism and complex urban settlements
Rare 4,000-Year-Old Copper Dagger discovered at the Tina Jama cave, located in the Sgonico municipality of the Trieste Karst
The theory of a violent invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in Late Prehistory, some 4,200 years ago, is now being questioned
Natural born consumers: Researchers show that modern behaviour explains prehistoric economies during the Bronze Age
A study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, reveals how X-Ray MicroCT can reconstruct the processes behind Middle Bronze Age Cretan ceramics