New discoveries found in Iraqi Kurdistan key to the emergence of agriculture and first city-states: the UAB archaeological project
Detailed analysis reveals rituals of mass sacrifice of horses and other animals at Casas del Turuñuelo, in Iron Age Spain
Ancient DNA reveals an early African origin of Cattle in the Americas, according to a new study published in Scientific Reports
Uncovering the ritual past of a mustatil, an ancient stone monument in Saudi Arabia; the study has been published in PLoS ONE
A Bronze Age well at Petsas House contents reveal the history of animal resources (dogs, cattle, goats, sheep) in Mycenae, Greece
Prehistoric faeces reveal parasites from feasting at Stonehenge; a new study has been published on Parasitology
The transition to dairy farming and horse husbandry may have fueled the rise of complex societies in Bronze Age Mongolia
Genomic study of the Tarim Basin mummies in western China reveals an indigenous Bronze Age population that was genetically isolated but culturally cosmopolitan
Recent findings push back estimates of dairying in the eastern Eurasia by more than 1,700 years, pointing to migration as a potential means of introduction
Archaeologists found the two beehive-shaped tombs in Pylos, Greece, while investigating the area around the grave of the “Griffin Warrior”