Ancient DNA unlocks new understanding of migrations in the first millennium AD; a new study has been published in Nature
Central Europe’s first farmers from the Linear Pottery Culture lived in equality; the genetic study also reveals long-distance travelling in Neolithic societies
Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany: genetic analyses of Celtic burial mounds from 500 BCE reveal close relationships
The analysis of fat traces in over one hundred pottery vessels reveals deep changes in prehistoric Central European culinary traditions
Archaeometallurgists have been debating the exact origin of tin used in the Bronze Age for 150 years; a new study in Frontiers in Earth Science
Pollen analysis suggests peopling of Siberia and Europe by modern humans occurred during a major Pleistocene warming spell
Patrilocality and hunter-gatherer-related ancestry of populations in East-Central Europe during the Middle Bronze Age
Contribution of cultural heritage values to steppe conservation on kurgans, ancient burial mounds of Eurasia; the study is published in Conservation Biology
Are the origins of the Lager beer in Bavaria? A new research, published in FEMS Yeast Research, tries to answer the question
Extreme drought from the 430s – 450s encouraged Attila’s Huns to attack the Roman empire, tree rings suggest