The latest findings to shed light on the Neanderthals at Prado Vargas: over two thousand remains of animals and stone tools
Must Farm: study reveals ‘cozy domesticity’ of prehistoric stilt-house dwellers in England’s ancient marshland
DNA from coprolites, that is, fossilized feces, reveals ancient Japanese gut environment, during the Early Jomon period. The samples also contained evidence of bacteria and viruses
Coprolites reveal that the Huecoid and Saladoid cultures – two pre-Columbian cultures of the Caribbean – consumed a diversity of plants, with peanuts, papaya, maize, and even cotton and tobacco detected
Prehistoric faeces reveal parasites from feasting at Stonehenge; a new study has been published on Parasitology
New research reveals that coprolites from Çatalhöyük have provided the earliest evidence for intestinal parasite infection in the mainland Near East