DNA evidence rewrites histories for people buried in volcanic eruption in ancient Pompeii; the study has been published in Current Biology
Evidence from archaeological sites in the medieval English city of Winchester shows that English red squirrels once served as an important host for Mycobacterium leprae strains that caused leprosy in people
Ancient DNA reveals the appearance of Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou, a 6th century Chinese emperor; the study is published in Current Biology
Early European farmers borrowed genes from hunter-gatherers to survive disease, according to a new study in Current Biology
Ludwig van Beethoven’s genome sheds light on chronic health problems and cause of death; the study has been published in Current Biology
Genomic analysis shows the Amazon’s Ashaninka people are made up of two subgroups with distinct histories; the study is in the journal Current Biology
New behavior seen in whales may be recorded in ancient manuscripts, which name the creature hafgufa and aspidochelone
Ancient Siberian genomes reveal genetic backflow from North America across the Bering Sea, according to a new study published in Current Biology
Caribbean breadfruit is traced back to its Oceania origin 230 years ago; a new study elucidates the crop’s Caribbean history
Medieval mass burial shows centuries-earlier origin of Ashkenazi genetic bottleneck; a new study published on Current Biology