Fossils and fires: insights into early modern human activity in the jungles of Southeast Asia, from the Tam Pà Ling cave Studying microscopic…
Ancient Syrian diets resembled the modern “Mediterranean Diet”; researchers analyzed chemistry of plant, animal, human remains to study historic food chain
Indigenous groups in the Pacific Northwest were intentionally harvesting edible camas bulbs at optimal stages of the plant’s maturation as far back as 3,500 years ago
Stone artifacts that suggest that there were more social and cultural exchanges between those who lived on the Tibetan plateau
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University crafted replica stone age tools and used them for a range of tasks to see how different activities create traces on the edge
‘Woman the hunter’: studies aim to correct history, the last one being published in the November issue of Scientific American
The oldest hunter-gatherer basketry in southern Europe, from the Cueva de los Murciélagos and dated to the Mesolithic period, identified
New households dating from the Mesolithic are being studied at the Arenal de la Virgen site in a dune system next to the Laguna de Villena
Ancient Siberian genomes reveal genetic backflow from North America across the Bering Sea, according to a new study published in Current Biology
Archaeologist Sturt Manning (Cornell University) narrows on date of Thera eruption; the study has been published in PLoS ONE