Ancient DNA unlocks new understanding of migrations in the first millennium AD; a new study has been published in Nature
The ancient copper industry in King Solomon’s mines, located in the Timna Valley, did not pollute the environment
Microscopic study of milk teeth reveals mystery of death of Iberian culture newborns buried inside homes; the study in the Journal of Archaeological Science
A new study, published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, compared rates of violence in Viking Age Norway and Denmark societies
Archaeologists report earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa, from Kakapel; a trove of ancient plant remains excavated in Kenya
Archaeologists have been investigating human bones of 20 Celts, found near the ruins of the bridge at Cornaux/Les Sauges
Ancient Syrian diets resembled the modern “Mediterranean Diet”; researchers analyzed chemistry of plant, animal, human remains to study historic food chain
Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany: genetic analyses of Celtic burial mounds from 500 BCE reveal close relationships
The Dendra panoply, an Ancient Mycenaean armour, has been tested by Marines and pronounced suitable for extended combat
A violent blaze at Tossal de Baltarga, possibly linked to the Carthaginian army crossing the Pyrenees to fight the Romans during the Second Punic War