Ice Age teens from 25,000 years ago (Upper Paleolithic) went through similar puberty stages as modern-day adolescent; a new study in the Journal of Human Evolution
There is no proof that ‘Homo naledi’ exhibited cognitively advanced behaviors, such as intentional burial of the dead and rock art
Humans have been using bear skins for at least 300,000 years, according to traces on bones from the site of Schöningen in Lower Saxony
The CENIEH researcher Emiliano Bruner publishes a review paper about the brain of ‘Homo habilis’ on the Journal of Human Evolution
‘Homo erectus’ from Gongwangling could have been the earliest population in China; a new study published on the Journal of Human Evolution
The first attempt to apply cosmogenic nuclide isochron-burial dating directly to lithic tools from the Olduvai Gorge
A new study strengthens the hypothesis that the settlement of Europe could have been the result of several waves of migration at different times by a common source population
Pliopapio alemui and Kuseracolobus aramisi are two different new primate species dated between 4.8 and 4.3 million years ago known only from Gona and the Middle Awash study area in Ethiopia