Archaeologists analyze the carbon isotope values of hazelnuts from ancient Mesolithic and Neolithic sites in Sweden, to see what the local woods were like
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University crafted replica stone age tools and used them for a range of tasks to see how different activities create traces on the edge
Vittrup Man crossed over from forager to farmer before being sacrificed in Denmark: DNA, isotope, protein analysis reveal genetic ancestry and migration of a human found in a peat bog
What did people eat in Mesolithic Scandinavia? A new study of the DNA in a chewing gum shows that deer, trout and hazelnuts were on the diet
The oldest hunter-gatherer basketry in southern Europe, from the Cueva de los Murciélagos and dated to the Mesolithic period, identified
New households dating from the Mesolithic are being studied at the Arenal de la Virgen site in a dune system next to the Laguna de Villena
Shell beads at the Kaylu rock shelter, provide new insights into seafaring, showing the routes of cultural transmission in the Caspian Sea region
Early European farmers borrowed genes from hunter-gatherers to survive disease, according to a new study in Current Biology
A 10,000-Year-Old Infant Burial Provides Insights Into the Use of Baby Carriers and Family Heirlooms in Prehistory
By analyzing DNA with the help of AI, an international research team has developed a method for dating archeological remains