Paleolithic humans may have understood the properties of rocks for making stone tools, as they preferred middle-grained flint over fine-grained flint
Cranial traumas show dramatic increase as the first cities were being built: in the 12,000 years before antiquity, the share of violent death rose at first and then fell back
An Archaeology project is to examine fortress community resilience in the transition from the Bronze to Iron Age at Dmanisis Gora, in southern Georgia
Written sources document that kissing was practiced by the peoples of ancient Mesopotamia 4,500 years ago
By observing the night sky, medieval monks unwittingly contributed to volcanology, by recording some of history’s largest volcanic eruptions
Genome Research: origin and evolution of vine. Grapevine is among the world’s oldest crops. Wine was one of the oldest products traded
Cyprus’s copper deposits created one of the most important trade hubs in the Bronze Age in the village of Hala Sultan Tekke
Climate change may have impacted the rise and fall of Middle Eastern civilisations, according to an international study
Thirsty wheat needed new water management strategy in ancient China, according to a study published in the journal Antiquity
Ancient DNA is rarely well-preserved in fossils, so scientists need to recognize possible hybridization of early humans from skeletons