Early humans influenced the availability of meat and scavenging animals, in ecosystems 130,000 to 20,000 years ago
Early Hominin toolmaking at the Melka Wakena site, in Ethiopia, sheds light on Engineering ingenuity; a study published in PLoS ONE
Homo juluensis lived approximately 300,000 years ago in eastern Asia; it was proposed that the new species include the enigmatic Denisovans
Fossils and fires: insights into early modern human activity in the jungles of Southeast Asia, from the Tam Pà Ling cave Studying microscopic…
The ecosystems of northern Africa where the first hominins arrived are reconstructed: the work at the Guefaït-4 site
Ice Age teens from 25,000 years ago (Upper Paleolithic) went through similar puberty stages as modern-day adolescent; a new study in the Journal of Human Evolution
To hunt in the Ice Age, people used planted pikes with Clovis points, not throwing spears, roughly 13,000 years ago
Evidence of 42,000-year-old human occupation of the Tanimbar islands and its implications for the Sunda-Sahul early human migration
Tool marks are evidence for butchery of Neosclerocalyptus (giant armadillo-like mammals) in Argentina 21,000 years ago
New geological datings place the first European hominids at Orce, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, 1.3 million years ago