Which came first, the pigs or the pioneers? In Barbados, that has been a historical mystery ever since the first English colonists arrived on the island in 1627 to encounter what they thought was a herd of wild European pigs
Abrupt climate change some 8,000 years ago led to a dramatic decline in early South American populations, suggests new UCL research.
A cemetery dating back over 1000 years has recently been discovered at the legendary site of Pachacamac, on the Pacific coast of Peru
Even thousands of years ago people wore clothing with colourful patterns made from plant and animal-based dyes
The Wari empire lasted for 500 years, from 600 to 1100 AD: a new study found a factor that might have helped enhance its stability: a steady supply of beer
Researchers report the discovery of an ancient four-legged whale–found in 42.6-million-year-old marine sediments along the coast of Peru
The Tiwanaku people made offerings to supernatural deities near the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, about 500 years earlier than the Incas
By re-dating giant ground sloth remains found in the Pampas region, evidence is provided that humans hunted this animal at the end of the Pleistocene
A mass sacrifice at the Huanchaquito-Las Llamas (a 15th century archaeological site in Peru) saw the ritual killing of over 140 children and over 200 llamas