Is the Melun Diptych, 15th century French painting, depicting an Acheulean handaxe, an ancient stone tool used by hominins?
A non-exploitative economy favoured richness and diversity of the Copper Age communities in the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula
Paleolithic humans occupied upland regions of inland Spain in even the coldest periods of the last Ice Age: the evidence comes from Charco Verde II
A well-preserved wooden structure at the archaeological site of Kalambo Falls, Zambia, dating back at least 476,000 years, is world’s oldest
The limestone spheroids of ‘Ubeidiya: were they an intentional imposition of symmetric geometry by early hominins?
China’s oldest water pipes, forming the earliest ceramic drainage system, were found at the neolithic walled site of Pingliangtai and were a communal effort, according to a new study published in Nature Water
Early humans in the Hula Valley invested in systematic procurement of raw materials hundreds of thousands of years ago
Stone tools from Tabon Cave, Philippines, bear tell-tale markings of fiber technology going back 39,000 years
Humans’ evolutionary relatives butchered one another 1.45 million years ago in today’s Kenya, according to a new study in Scientific Reports
Neanderthal engravings at La Roche-Cotard are oldest known, at least for Europe, being dated at over 57,000 years old