During the Late Neolithic, in the Fertile Crescent, a complex culinary tradition that included the baking of large loaves of bread and focaccia was developed
Oldest known alphabet unearthed at Tell Umm-el Marra, once an ancient Syrian city: the writing is dated to around 2400 BCE, Early Bronze Age
A new study, published in the Journal of Roman Archaeology, rethinks early Christian landmark, the domus ecclesiae of Dura-Europos
After the destruction by ISIS explosives in 2015, a new study argues for the urgent need to intervene in the restoration of the Temple of Bel in Palmyra
The Ancient City of Giddan/Eddana (Anqa, Iraq), the ‘Forgotten Twin’ of Dura-Europos,” identifies the city of Anqa as a near mirror image of the Syrian one
Cold War satellite imagery reveals 396 previously undocumented Roman forts in Mesopotamia, from western Syria to northwestern Iraq
Cranial traumas show dramatic increase as the first cities were being built: in the 12,000 years before antiquity, the share of violent death rose at first and then fell back
Archaeometallurgists have been debating the exact origin of tin used in the Bronze Age for 150 years; a new study in Frontiers in Earth Science
An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg recently discovered tombs outside the Bronze Age trading metropolis Hala Sultan Tekke in Cyprus
Cyprus’s copper deposits created one of the most important trade hubs in the Bronze Age in the village of Hala Sultan Tekke