The novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin has been published in Norway 60 times, it highlights how the country has trailed behind in the racism debate.
A new way of looking at tooth enamel could give scientists a path to deeper understanding of the health of human populations, from the ancient to the modern
Genetic analysis shows ancient trade routes and path to domestication (outside of its natural distribution) of the Four Corners potato
A new study, published in journal The Holocene, adds to the complexity of the reasons behind the Cahokia exodus
DNA study IDs descendants of George Washington from unmarked remains, findings to aid service member IDs going back to World War II
Climate change threatens thousands of archaeological sites in coastal Georgia. Modelling predicts combined impacts of sea level rise and severe tropical storms
How Chinese migrants in Los Angeles Chinatown gained self-reliance: a new study shows these early migrants overcame economic barriers by raising pigs
Researchers found unaltered agave plants cultivated by several early cultures including the Hohokam people, from southern Arizona north to the Grand Canyon
Recovering family history for millions of African Americans: Kendra Taira Field is named chief historian for the 10 Million Names project
Ethical challenges of studying historical DNA that connects living people to enslaved and free African Americans at Catoctin Furnace, an early ironworks (18th–19th century)