The early roots of carnival? Research into the Cerritos reveals evidence of seasonal celebrations in pre-colonial Brazil
Scientists uncover evidence that microplastics are contaminating archaeological remains Researchers have for the first time discovered evidence of microplastic contamination in archaeological soil…
Early whaling, before the 19th century, was enough for at least two species to disappear completely from European waters
Specialization in sheep farming, a possible strategy for Neolithic communities in the Adriatic to expand throughout the Mediterranean
Earliest evidence of wine consumption in the Americas found at the Isla de Mona, in the Caribbean Sea, according to a study published in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Research into grape pips found from the excavated Byzantine monastery of Avdat (Oboda), in the Negev Highlands (Israel), hints at the origins of the Gaza wine
The study shows for the first time that Vikings brought animals, specifically horses and dogs, to Britain in the 9th century
Human bones were used for making pendants in the Stone Age, on the island of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov on Lake Onega
Prehistoric people created art by firelight, new research reveals Our early ancestors probably created intricate artwork by firelight, an examination of 50 engraved…
A grape variety still used in wine production in France today can be traced back 900 years to just one ancestral plant, scientists have discovered.