The skull-shaped body of the Aztec death whistle may represent Mictlantecuhtli, and might have been used in sacrifice rituals
Extensive social and cultural networks between different hunter-gatherers in the Congo Basin (Central Africa) existed long before agriculture arrived in the region
Evidence from archaeological sites in the medieval English city of Winchester shows that English red squirrels once served as an important host for Mycobacterium leprae strains that caused leprosy in people
The University of Zurich acquires an important Richard Wagner manuscript, Eine Mitteilung an meine Freunde
A new study shows Syphilis-like diseases were already widespread in America before the arrival of Columbus; it questions the theory that Columbus brought syphilis to Europe
Ancient metal cauldrons give us clues about what people ate in the Bronze Age in the Caucasus region during the Maykop period (3700–2900 BCE)
A new study, published in PLoS ONE, uncovers impact of 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic on infant health, in Switzerland
The Johanna Spyri and Heidi archives in Zurich have been added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World International Register
Does the history of our languages match the history of our genes? A research shows a large number of matches, but also widespread mismatches
Zwischgold, a Nanomaterial from the Middle Ages, obtained by means of a highly sophisticated production technique