Researchers identify the oldest pieces of Baltic amber found on the Iberian Peninsula: imports began over 5,000 years ago Baltic amber is a…
Archaeometallurgists have been debating the exact origin of tin used in the Bronze Age for 150 years; a new study in Frontiers in Earth Science
Necklace from child’s grave reveals complex ancient culture at the Neolithic village of Ba’ja in Jordan; the study is published in PLoS ONE
The Ivory Lady at Valencina was the highest status individual in an Copper Age society in ancient Iberia, according to peptide analysis
For the first time, it was possible to map the trade networks for metals and to identify changes in the supply routes, coinciding with other socio-economic changes detectable in the rich metal-dependent societies of Bronze Age southern Scandinavia
Archaeologists found the two beehive-shaped tombs in Pylos, Greece, while investigating the area around the grave of the “Griffin Warrior”
Most amber inclusions are organisms from the forest. It is very rare to find sea life: a new study now reports the first known ammonite trapped in amber
Prehistoric Iberians created “imitation amber” by repeatedly coating bead cores with tree resins, according to a new study