Iberian Neolithic societies had a deep knowledge of archery techniques and materials, according to a new study in Scientific Reports
A new study shows how Early Pyrenean Neolithic groups at Coro Trasito applied species selection strategies to produce bone artefacts
New discoveries found in Iraqi Kurdistan key to the emergence of agriculture and first city-states: the UAB archaeological project
First high mountain settlers, in the Huescan Pyrenees, at the start of the Neolithic already engaged in other livestock activities apart from transhumance
Ancient metal cauldrons give us clues about what people ate in the Bronze Age in the Caucasus region during the Maykop period (3700–2900 BCE)
Uncovering the ritual past of a mustatil, an ancient stone monument in Saudi Arabia; the study has been published in PLoS ONE
A Bronze Age well at Petsas House contents reveal the history of animal resources (dogs, cattle, goats, sheep) in Mycenae, Greece
Industrial manufacturing of wool and wool textiles in the Bronze Age Italy, the case of Montale, part of the Terramare culture
The recent results of the excavation of Figueira Brava (Portugal) now confirm that Neanderthals habitually used marine resources
New research reveals that coprolites from Çatalhöyük have provided the earliest evidence for intestinal parasite infection in the mainland Near East