Microscopic study of milk teeth reveals mystery of death of Iberian culture newborns buried inside homes; the study in the Journal of Archaeological Science
Twice as many women as men were buried in the megalithic necropolis of Panoría according to a multidisciplinary study
An archaeogenetic study, published in Science Advances, sheds new light on the isolated medieval community Las Gobas in northern Spain
Early herding communities of the Southern Iberian Peninsula used a wide variety of livestock management strategies
A non-exploitative economy favoured richness and diversity of the Copper Age communities in the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula
Paleolithic humans occupied upland regions of inland Spain in even the coldest periods of the last Ice Age: the evidence comes from Charco Verde II
Archaelogists revael the largest palaeolithic cave art site at Cova (or Cueva) Dones, in Eastern Iberia; the study is published on Antiquity
The Ivory Lady at Valencina was the highest status individual in an Copper Age society in ancient Iberia, according to peptide analysis
A new appraisal of a decorated ulna from a northern gannet found in 1966 during the exploration of the Torre cave archaeological site in Gipuzkoa
Large-scale genomic analysis documents the migrations of Ice Age hunter-gatherers over a period of 30,000 years