Nicolas Detering was investigating on how often the images and lives of saints continue to be referenced in literature, visual arts and popular culture
Archaeologists have been investigating human bones of 20 Celts, found near the ruins of the bridge at Cornaux/Les Sauges
Researchers established a chronology for Dispilio, by combining radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology and information on cosmic particles from Miyake events
Of the 161 people buried at Seminario Vescovile, an archaeological site in Verona from 3rd to 1st century BCE, 16 were buried with some kind of animal remains
Human remains at the Cueva de los Marmoles were subsequently manipulated and utilized, adding to a pattern in the Iberian Peninsula
Researchers home in on Thera volcano eruption date, as they find that the eruption in 1628 B.C. was due to the Alaskan volcano Aniakchak II
The colored skeletons of Çatalhöyük: new insights about how the inhabitants of the “oldest city in the world” buried their dead
Two children’s milk teeth from a site in north eastern Siberia have revealed a previously unknown group of people lived there during the last Ice Age
Humans settled in southwestern Amazonia and even experimented with agriculture much earlier than previously thought, according to an international team of researchers