New perspectives on how climatic and environmental changes influenced the evolution of mammals and hominins over the last six million years.
Tool marks are evidence for butchery of Neosclerocalyptus (giant armadillo-like mammals) in Argentina 21,000 years ago
A 600,000-year-old bone from Notarchirico, Italy, provides the earliest evidence of cave lions in southern Europe
The first dating study of Pirro Nord, Italy, traditionally regarded as the oldest archaeological site in western Europe, indicates that it is probably much younger than anticipated
Evidence from Bilzingsleben, in eastern Germany shows that early humans hunted beavers, 400,000 years ago, and had a varied diet than previously known
Scientists zero in on timing, causes of Ice Age mammal extinctions in Southern California: a new study published in Science
Neanderthals hunted elephants: Earliest evidence found of humans killing elephants for food; the study is published in Science Advances
The economy of hunter gatherers in the Mediterranean coasts between the Pleistocene and Holocene included exploitation of marine environment
The recent results of the excavation of Figueira Brava (Portugal) now confirm that Neanderthals habitually used marine resources
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika, a carnivore known from most of its jaw, portions of its skull, and parts of its skeleton, was a hyaenodont larger than a polar bear