Central Asia identified as a key region for human ancestors

Uzbekistan Central Asia identified as a key region for human ancestors
Professor Sebastian Breitenbach with a stalagmite in an Uzbekistan cave

Dr Emma Finestone, Assistant Curator of Human Origins at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, led the study.

She explained: “Central Asia connects several zones that played important roles in hominin dispersals out of Africa and through Asia, yet we know comparatively little about the early occupation of Central Asia.”

“Interdisciplinary work that bridges archaeology with paleoclimate models are becoming increasingly necessary for understanding human origins. In the future, the databases generated in this study will continue to allow us to ask questions about the context of hominin dispersals.”

The study included researchers from Kings College London, Griffith University in Australia and the Uzbekistan Academy of the Sciences.

The paper Paleolithic occupation of arid Central Asia in the Middle Pleistocene has been published in PLOS ONE.

Professor Breitenbach is a member of Northumbria University’s Cold and Palaeo Environments research group which works to investigate modern and ancient environments, reconstructing climate data over millions of years.

Northumbria was recently ranked second in the UK for research power in Geography and Environmental Studies, with over 90% of research outputs rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework.

Central Asia identified as a key region for human ancestors. Landscape in Uzbekistan, credits: Julien Louys

Press release from Northumbria University

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