Origin of domestic horses finally established. Horses were first domesticated in the Pontic-Caspian steppes, northern Caucasus, before conquering the rest of Eurasia
A study published in the journal Science traces the evolution of the hepatitis B virus from prehistory to the present, revealing dissemination routes and changes in viral diversity
Homo sapiens “Linya” lived in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula 14,000 years ago, at cave known as Cova Gran (Avellanes-Santa Linya, Noguera)
A paper in Scientific Reports concludes that Homo antecessor had a shoulders development analogous to that in Homo sapiens, although its growth was faster
The recovery of distinctive fluted points from both America and Arabia provides one of the best examples of ‘independent invention’
A new study, publisheed in PaleoAnthropology, shows that Amud 9 was a Neandertal woman weighing 60 kg who lived in the Late Pleistocene
Georadar reveals the unknown partsof the caves in the Trinchera del Ferrocarril sites, in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain)
Seafood might have helped those prehistoric pioneers, as they could have relied on shellfish to sustain them as they followed migratory routes out of Africa during times of drought
The molars from Sima de los Huesos site share dental tissue traits with Homo antecessor and Neanderthals, according to a new study
The remains of a primitive badger found in the Cueva de los Toriles (Carrizosa, Ciudad Real, Spain) have allowed to date it to the Early-Middle Pleistocene