A Roman-period cranial tumor case from Spain; the cranium was discovered during a caving expedition to the Sima de Marcenejas
A new study ratifies that carnivores did not participate in the accumulation of human remains in the Sima de los Huesos
Neanderthals are not the only species whose dentition is characterized by the possession of thin enamel: it was previously found in Homo Antecessor
European Middle Pleistocene populations had similar dental traits, suggesting that the settlement of Europe was the product of intermittent dispersals into Europe from a “mother” population
Galería de las Estatuas in Atapuerca could be one of Spain’s most ancient Neanderthal sites; a new study published on Quaternary Geochronology
Experience influences the visual processing of stone tools: knowledge and experience affect the distribution of the attention during visual exploration of Paleolithic tools
A study published on Lithic Technology analyzed the influence of the shape of Paleolithic tools on visual attention during handling
A paper in the journal The Anatomical Record presents a taphonomic-forensic analysis of the skulls from the Sima de los Huesos
A paper in Scientific Reports concludes that Homo antecessor had a shoulders development analogous to that in Homo sapiens, although its growth was faster
The molar size relationship is one of the peculiar characteristics of the different species of hominins and various theories have been proposed